The FNQ FLPN is guided by a Steering Committee comprising members from both the legal and non-legal community. The lead organization which manages the work and funding is Relationships Australia, Cairns Venue. FLPN Project Officer, Mike Friganiotis, is an employee of RAQ.

Services Include:

  • Annual Networking Breakfast to introduce legal & non-legal practitioners to each other.
  • Weekly program titled ‘At Your Service’ on Cairns Community Radio, FM89.1, Fridays, 9 – 10am, hosted by Mike Friganiotis who interviews relevant organisations which provide legal and non-legal services to the community.
  • Fortnightly email publication “Cairns & region educational, social, cultural, activity and entertainment update” informing the community of events in the area.
  • Workshops and seminars on topics of interest to the FLPN community.


Contact: Mike Friganiotis

Phone: 07 4052 7900

Other Phone: 0409 481 848


Website: FLPN Far North Queensland

Address: 125 Grafton Street, Cairns, QLD, 4870

Mailing Address: Mike Friganiotis, Relationships Australia, 125 Grafton Street, Cairns, QLD 4870

Opening Hours: Monday – Friday; 8am – 4pm

Disability Access: Yes