Aims and Objectives:

To improve collaboration and cooperation between all stakeholders to help separating families. Aim to assist stakeholders to understand each other and the various roles we all play within family law services. We also have a specific aim to improve outcomes for Aboriginal families and communities.

Services Include:

  • An Annual Main Event is held in March each year
  • Conducting Aboriginal travelling roadshows and conferences
  • Monthly meetings
  • Produce newsletters which are circulated to the whole network
  • Establish and continue to support a Parramatta Family Law Interagency which conducts meetings/workshops 4 times a year
  • Conduction of Cross-Sector Training and Workshops throughout the Greater Sydney region
  • Deliver presentations to various Federal bodies at National conferences and local presentations


Our network is made up of representatives from all of the stakeholders in the family laws services field including the Family Court and Federal Circuit Court, Legal Aid, Solicitors in private practice, Family Relationship Centres, Children’s Contact Services, Family Dispute R4esolutiuon Practitioners, Parenting Programs, Counsellors, Mediators, Child Support, Community Services sand Federal and State Government representatives.


Contact: Rebecca Ng

Phone: 02 8522 4400

Other Phone: 0400 919 098


Website: Greater Sydney FLPN

Address: 383 Port Hacking Road. South, Caringbah, NSW, 2229

Mailing Address: Shop 1c, 383-385 Port Hacking Road South Caringbah, NSW, 2229

Opening Hours: Tuesday – Friday

Disability Access: Yes