The Riverina Family Law Pathways Network covers the south-western region of New South Wales bordered on the south by Victoria and on the east by the Great Dividing Range and comprising the Murray and Murrumbidgee river towns of Wagga Wagga, Cootamundra, Leeton, Junee, Griffith, Gundagai, Tumut and Young.

The region has a population of over 255,900 with a growing need for family law services. There are more than 20 law firms offering Family Law services in the region, an Aboriginal Legal Service and Legal Aid NSW offices in both Wagga Wagga and Albury.

Other agencies providing services supporting families undergoing separation with a presence in the region include Anglicare, St Vincent de Paul, the Salvation Army, Centacare, Mission Australia, Relationships Australia, the Family Referral Service and the Child Contact Service.

All of these as well as the Wagga Wagga Police, the Defence Community Organisation, Centrelink and the Multicultural Council are represented amongst our membership.

The network has been operating since November 2010.

The network’s primary activities include:

Services Include:

  • Publication of a hard copy Services Guide providing clients with comprehensive listings of and contact details for a range of relevant services
  • Maintenance of a Facebook page that shares and promotes community activities and learning events
  • Offering a range of educational activities to meet the needs of our membership – seminars and a bi-annual conference
  • Production of Bi-Monthly E Bulletins to publicise events and services relevant to the needs of clients and members’ professional development and to advise of employment opportunities
  • Face to face meetings for the purpose of information exchange, networking and planning
  • bi monthly steering committee meetings
  • Participation in community events such as NAIDOC week activities and the Fusion annual multicultural festival

Our priorities for 2019-20 are:

  • Further diversifying the membership of the network and steering committee
  • Providing valuable training opportunities to our regional towns
  • Exploiting this platform and other social media to better achieve the network’s goals


Contact: Cass Cox

Phone: 02  6923 9100



Address: Relationships Australia, 36-40 Gurwood Street, Wagga Wagga, NSW, 2650

Mailing Address: Family Law Pathways Network Coordinator, Relationships Australia 36-40 Gurwood Street,  Wagga Wagga, NSW, 2650

Opening Hours: Thursdays are the Coordinator’s regular day.

Disability Access: Yes